It’s back to school time…

Though I have always felt a certain amount of sadness when summer ends each year, as a teenager, I did get excited about the start of each new school year every September.  I always felt like the beginning of the school year was ripe with new possibilities for me.  Though they now seem silly and trite, the possibilities I dreamed of included things like – this is the year I will get really good grades; this is the year I will be popular and have loads of friends; this is the year I will find a boy who likes me as a girlfriend; this is the year my hair will always look fabulous!  With the exception of hoping for good grades (and, really, was I willing to put the time into studying that good grades would require??) my hopes in those times seemed to imply I had a self-esteem issue, didn’t they!?

The new school year was also exciting for me because I knew there would be at least one new “school outfit” and new shoes purchased…a chance to finally be a really “cool” dresser.  Then, there were the new school supplies purchased… I loved getting new school picpens/pencils and notebooks.  (The new supplies would certainly aid me in getting the good grades I dreamed about.)

Now, as an adult and long past dreaming and worrying about my life in a new school year, I still have a sense as the season changes from summer into fall, that it is a time for new beginnings.  It seems I have opportunities to:

  • change my in-the-house and outside décor to something more fallish
  • change into my fall wardrobe and put away the summer clothes
  • re-start my exercise program and be more faithful about actually doing it
  • be more deliberate about eating a healthy diet (maybe less Dairy Queen runs?) and, adding comfort food to the menu as the days are shorter and turn colder
  • spending less time on social media and more time on reading good books
  • actually doing a good job of cleaning up my gardens so I don’t have as big a mess to deal with next spring

And, on and on and on.  You get the idea.  I am grateful I live in Minnesota where we have distinct seasons (well, not grateful for how long the winter season is!) so I can feel excited about the new opportunities each season brings.

I am full of gratitude also that I am fortunate enough to have any and every possibility for doing anything I want in any season.  It is up to me to make the most of my life situation,  and to find joy.

I wish you lots of happy times during these last couple weeks of summer (according to the calendar, we have until September 22).  But, I encourage you to look forward to the “new school year” and make the most of the new opportunities that come your way!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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