So, several months ago, RC and I purchased two flat screen TVs – one for his TV room and one for our living room. Two because it is almost impossible for me to watch TV with RC who successfully watches 2 or 3 programs simultaneously by clicking back and forth with the remote. This drives me crazy!
And, yes, I know some of you are horrified that we put a TV in our living room; but, we have a very small house that does not include a family room. If we are ever to entertain friends for a Super Bowl or Oscar night party or the like, we need to have a TV in a room big enough to provide seating for more than two people…thus, the living room. Not to mention the fact, I previously watched anything I was interested in on a small TV in our bedroom while sitting propped up by pillows on our bed – not a good posture for my back; now, I can watch in the comfort of an easy chair.
Anyhow, that is just backstory for how and why we acquired two new TVs – probably TMI for you.
When we purchased the new flat screens we added a Blu Ray player. Though I love watching movies, it’s not often we rent DVDs – in fact, very rarely; and wow, other than Red Box you don’t see video stores anymore, do you? We thought it might come in handy though, to be able to entertain our grandsons when they are over, by slipping a DVD into the Blu Ray player.
Turns out, now, several months later, we have never used the Blu Ray player. I turn to DirectTV for my movies and, as I indicated in a previous post, I am content to watch some movies multiple times.
Well, though I am a library user for borrowing books, it just occurred to me the other day the library also has a DVD section with scores of selections available for 7-day rental. I’ve never taken advantage of this opportunity. In my mid-winter doldrums (see previous post) I find great escape in watching a movie. ZOWIE, I suddently have discovered a cheap resource for obtaining and watching a variety of films!
So, to get to the point – yesterday, I went to the library and checked out three DVDs (Nebraska, 42 and How Do You Know – in case you’re interested). I brought them home and sat down to discover how to use this Blu Ray thingamachig that has been sitting idle.
This is where the “uff da” comes in – after 45 minutes of both RC and I attempting to figure out how to make this thing work, we were unsuccessful and gave up.
What dolts we are!! We even have the instruction manual, but that didn’t seem to help us.
I find it rather embarrassing or maybe discouraging because it appears we are now the old folks that can’t keep up with how to use new-fangled equipment, but we are going to have to find someone to assist us in learning how to use the technology we purchased. It will definitely be someone from a younger generation – likely, our 9-year-old grandson!
I hate admitting defeat and I hate being classified as a silly or dumb old lady!
I have never had much interest in science or technology and how or why things work. I just want them to work when I want them to work!
My other current struggle with technology is getting this blog site set up in what I consider a pleasing, readable, easy to maneuver format. I visit other blog sites and am impressed with how professional some of them appear. I have a long way to go!
Some of you reading this may be affected by one of my current challenges – sending email notifications of new posts to those of you kind enough to sign up for such messages. I managed to send you an email just one time for a previous post; I’ll be darned (damned, really) if I can figure out what I did to accomplish that notification. I haven’t been able to duplicate it.
Again, what a dolt!!
I can’t promise I’ll ever figure all of this technology junk out, but I’ll keep trying. For the Blu Ray player, I just want to be able to watch a movie when I want to! For this blog, I really just want to do the writing and have everything else just work and look good!
Am I alone in feeling frustration with this fast-changing world of technology we live in, or do you also encounter some challenges?
Misery loves company!