Are you blue, too???

I’m looking for ideas to pull me (and maybe some of you) out of the mid-winter doldrums.  I know I’m not alone in needing a solution.  What are things you do to keep from having the blues?

A person’s lack of energy and motivation to do anything at this time of year may be caused by the lack of light exposure during these short winter days.  It’s called S.A.D. – seasonal affective disorder.  I’m sure that is my problem.  On my work days, I drive to work in the dark; and, it turns dark shortly after I arrive home in the late afternoon.  I work in the lower level of a building where there are no windows, but we have special skylights that bring in natural light.  The natural light is nice, but if I don’t wander upstairs during the day I really don’t see the sunlight or even know what the weather is doing outside.

You’d think knowing the cause of my malaise would help me combat it, but so far, that is not the case!

Some of the methods I do employ to try and cheer up are:

  • making a daily listing of several things for which I am grateful – either in my gratitude journal or at least, in my mind.  In truth, I am a very blessed person so I could fill pages of my journal with things I am thankful for…SO, WHY AM I BLUE?
  • taking time to sit under one of those special lights that are supposed to imitate outdoor light (phototherapy).  Now, the only problem with this process is if I spend time under the light too late in the day, it must mess with my melatonin and I can’t get to sleep at bedtime.  So, I need to use the light during morning hours which are not convenient on my work days.
  • walking outside instead of using the indoor track.  I try to get outside a couple of times a week but avoid walking on dark roadways so again, my opportunities are somewhat restricted.  Though it’s not always sunny, I think just getting into real daylight and fresh air is helpful…SHOULD BE, DON’T YOU THINK?
  • getting enough protein in my diet which provides tryptophan which is necessary to make serotonin which has something to do with helping people be happy.  Way too scientific for me to comprehend, but I’m willing to try anything.

I know this is a temporary condition for me.  It seems I have the same lack of gumption each year about this time.  However, I would sure love to discover a way to overcome it.  (I can’t afford to move to a tropical island for the winter!)

Is anybody out there a fellow sufferer, and if so, do you have any great ideas for overcoming the doldrums?

I’d also be curious to know if those of you lucky enough to either live in warmer climates than Minnesota, or who spend your winters in sunny places also suffer from S.A.D.?  I would love to hear from you.

Meanwhile, I will strive to find something more cheerful to write about before I sit down to create another post.  One piece of advice I have read is to surround yourself with happy, upbeat people – I probably haven’t fit that bill for you with this post…sorry!


2 thoughts on “Are you blue, too???

  1. Being in sunny California has helped, but now I miss family and friends in Minnesota. However, the doldrums and I are not teaming up this year. Also, Vitamin D can help, too. I didn’t know mine was so low until I had pneumonia two winters ago. the doctors just ran blood work and found it. I find I don’t need it here in California, but I’ll bet I will when I return to MN. Good luck to you! We are very lucky people with lots to be thankful for, but don’t beat yourself up when there’s no sun. I’m thankful I don’t live in Alaska! Much love, Maggie. Keep those posts coming.

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